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ألعاب للفتيات Unfabolous Burger Bustle

(2.04 MB) 12 Aug 2007 أُضيف يوم عدد مرات اللعب 10,663 لاعب واحد, فلاش, فتاة, برجر, طعام, Food Serving, مطعم

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وصف اللعبة:

Addie is in a tough Jam! Not only did Mary Ferry find a way to take Jake away from her for the school dance, but now she has to work at the Yum Burger in order to collect enough money to outbid her! Your goal is to greet and seat the client, take the order, serve it and clean the table.

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Unfabolous Burger Bustle
Unfabolous Burger Bustle
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